The cuisine of Corfu is noted for being one of the oldest and the most beloved gastronomic traditions in Greece. A combination of Venetian delicacies and Mediterranean diet, Corfu cuisine is popular for unique dishes, all of which are cooked using various ingredients and locally made spicy recipes. The cuisine finds itself inextricably tied with the regional history. It is probably due to this reason why the food cooked here tastes so different from the rest of Greece. In fact, the dishes that are cooked in Corfu are often regarded as the best sampled foods to be found in the country. So make sure that you do not miss out the gastronomy of Corfu when you are touring around the city in your rental car.
When it comes to Corfu cuisine and the island itself, the place is studded with eateries and restaurants. They are all known for offering some amazing Corfiot-Mediterranean dishes that can set your nostrils lingering with delight. Missing out on any of the traditional dishes will leave your tour half complete. So, make sure that you try out some of these delicacies while you are in Corfu.
We will start with Strapatasada, one of the favorite dishes on Corfu.
The dish will taste the best when served hit and is a mixture of tomato, eggs, butter, pepper, salt and a little bit cognac.
It is actually a seafood and consists of fried fish (usually sardine), garlic, rosemary, and vinegar. The dish needs to be stored for a minimum period of at least one week.
It is an influence of the Venetian dish Spezzatino, made of beef meat and tomato sauce. The dish comes served with pasta.
This dish comes with a Venetian origin, made of beef meat, white sauce, garlic, salt, pepper, vinegar and white wine.
The Koum Kouat is a trademark liquor on the Corfu island. It is actually a citrus fruit and is plucked from a Japanese orange tree. You can find the Koum Kouat liquor in any shop around the island.
Charcuterie is a famous local specialty, produced from every kind of meat. And, it can be salamis, sausages, bacon, and Noumboulas.
The famous Bourtheto is a scorpionfish or school shark dish, cooked with a spicy red sauce before serving. And, to enhance the flavor, you can sprinkle some lemon juice to it before removing the dish from the fire.
This is a kind of a local sweet snack and contains honey, sugar, sesame, rosewater, and almonds.
This is a traditional Corfuian dish that comprises of fried sweet dipped in lots of sugar.
Corfu has a great climate that favors the growth of vineyards. Therefore, the production of red and white wines is quite common here, and, you will have wide, quality choices.
Furthermore, the overall climate is such that it makes one’s overall dining experience unique. One of the best things about Corfu’s cuisine is that, despite coming with a lot of culinary spice blends, the concoction of the rich Mediterranean flavors makes the dishes neither bland nor spicy. Make sure that you try at least one of the above dishes mentioned in the above list so that when you travel back, you carry the cultural diversity of Greece in your taste buds along with memories.